Want to exercise lose weight quickly? I bet you are ready to jump on any instant formula or quick weight loss tips that promise to reduce your weight within a matter of days. Well let me be very clear in saying that no exercise will help you lose weight within a matter of days, losing weight will require a healthy balance of proper exercises and healthy diets. First of all make sure that you check your body-mass index. In case you are not overweight according to the BMI index, there is absolutely no need for you to lose weight. However if you want to reduce fat depositions in problem areas like buttocks, belly and thighs, you can join free weight lifting programs, which will help you tone-up your body. Now for the exercise, well here are some useful exercises and Best way to lose weight, which you can incorporate in your daily fitness regimen. Remember it is not about losing weight; it is about achieving overall fitness and a healthy body.
Squats and Crunches
Crunches are one of the most common exercises used for the abdominal muscles. If you are bored with the regular form of crunches, you can even try reverse crunches, twisting crunches, cable crunches or even bicycle crunches. On the other hand squats are another form of lower body workout, which is very popular in strength training. It is often touted as the most effective exercise for muscle strength.
Running is one of the most effective exercises to lose weight quickly, which helps to improve the cardio-vascular health, bone density as well as increases the overall fitness level. A minimum of 25 minutes of running per day will help you achieve your fitness goals. If you are a beginner it is better to run at a slow pace for a while. Maintain a slow and steady pace until your body develops the stamina to run at a faster pace. Similarly do not stretch yourself too much by running long distances, increase the distance gradually.
If you want a completely enjoyable form of exercise, just play on some good music and dance like no one is watching you. Dancing will not only help to exercise your body, but it is also considered as a major stress buster that uplifts your mood and helps you forget all your stress and tensions. So the next time you think that treadmills are boring and the gym equipment is the most dreaded thing in the world, just get dancing and exercise yourself!
Jumping Jacks
Jumping jacks are a whole-body aerobic workout, which is performed by jumping to a position with legs spread wide and the hands touching overhead and then returning to the basic position with feet together and arms at the sides. You can also perform more intense variations of this exercise by bending over and touching your toes in between each jump.
Sports as a Form of Exercise
Tennis, badminton, volleyball, basketball, cricket, swimming, cycling, kick-boxing, squash or any other sport that involves rigorous physical activity can be a great way to exercise your body. An additional perk is that sports never get dull and boring like a monotonous workout and hence you will find yourself looking forward to playing sports unlike the much-dreaded gym visits!
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